Upgrading to Git 1.5.3 on Mac OS X TigerEdit

These notes were made while upgrading to Git 1.5.3 on Mac OS X Tiger, using a local clone of the central Git repository.

Updating the local repository

From inside the local repository:

git pull


Now we can check the signature on the tag:

git tag -v v1.5.3


object 86bab9615c3516d4ac7756ae3c1285d331b78f04
type commit
tag v1.5.3
tagger Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com> 1188716400 -0700

GIT 1.5.3
gpg: Firmado el Sun Sep  2 02:56:52 2007 CEST usando clave DSA ID F3119B9A
gpg: Firma correcta de "Junio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net>"
gpg:                 alias "[jpeg image of size 1513]"
gpg: ATENCIÓN: ¡Esta clave no está certificada por una firma de confianza!
gpg:           No hay indicios de que la firma pertenezca al propietario.
Huellas dactilares de la clave primaria: 3565 2A26 2040 E066 C9A7  4A7D C0C6 D9A4 F311 9B9A

Note that you may actually get an error when verifying on Mac OS X using an older version of Git, due to non-portable sed usage in older versions of Git. If you retry the verification after upgrading verification should complete successfully.

Rebuilding, testing and installing

# switching working tree to 1.5.3
git checkout v1.5.3

# clean up any cruft that might be lying around
make clean

# build
make prefix=/usr/local all

# run tests
make prefix=/usr/local test

# install
sudo make prefix=/usr/local install

Installing the documentation

As before I didn’t bother building the documentation myself – it just takes too long; instead I just downloaded and installed it:

# get man pages
wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-manpages-1.5.3.tar.bz2 \

# verify
gpg --verify git-manpages-1.5.3.tar.bz2.sign git-manpages-1.5.3.tar.bz2

# install
cd /usr/local/man
sudo tar xjvf full_path_to_manpages_archive/git-manpages-1.5.3.tar.bz2