Setting up autotest (with ZenTest versions prior to 3.6.0)Edit

These are an older version of the notes on setting up autotest. They apply to versions of ZenTest prior to ZenTest 3.6.0.

Install autotest

# installation
sudo gem install ZenTest

# update fast documentation index
fastri-server -b

Set up a project for use with autotest

Prior to ZenTest 3.5.0

Add rspec_autotest.rb to your spec directory:

cd spec
svn export
cd ..

Add the following to your Rakefile:

namespace :spec do
  task :autotest do
    require './spec/rspec_autotest'

Start the autotest:

rake spec:autotest

Or if you really want a Rake task for the job, add this to the Rakefile:

namespace :spec do
  task :autotest do
    system 'autotest'

And start using:

rake spec:autotest

ZenTest 3.5.0 or later

As above but export rspec_autotest.rb one level higher (not inside the directory):

svn export

No modifications are necessary to the Rakefile. You can start autotest using:



Exactly the same tweak mentioned in "Using autotest with Rails" is necessary here. In rspec_autotest.rb an -s switch is passed to the spec tool, but as of RSpec version that switch has been replaced with -e.

See also