Ruby on RailsEdit
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Ruby on Rails is a web application stack written in Ruby with a focus on "convention over configuration", testing, and rapid application development.
It is included in Mac OS X (as of Leopard), although in reality almost all deployments target some Linux distro and any development you might do on your Mac will end up being with a more up-to-date version that you install yourself.
Official site
See also
Older articles (not up-to-date)
- "Capistrano: Automating Application Deployment":
- "Really Getting Started in Rails":
- "How to show Google’s Web Accelerator the door in Rails":
- "Skinny Controller, Fat Model", an excellent article that argues for and uses code examples to demonstrate keeping code out of views, simplifying controllers, and letting models do the heavy lifting in the interests of better readability, maintainability and correctness: