Official site
Lua for JavaScript programmers
This is a great resource for people coming to Lua from JavaScript. Much will be familiar:
- Functions (including anonymous functions) as first-class values.
- Closures.
- Only one real data structure, the "table" (analogous to a JavaScript object), which stands in for arrays too.
- Single and double quoted strings.
- "Arrays" use 1-based indexing.
- Method dispatch can be done via two operators (
for normal dispatch, and :
which transparently passes the initial "self" parameter when working in Object-oriented style).
- No regular expressions; just an "pattern" facility that will seem odd to people coming from Perl-compatible regular expressions.
- Recursive functions in Lua need some care.
Other differences
- Tiny language surface area (eg. no ternaries, for example).
for normal dispatch, and :
which transparently passes the initial "self" parameter when working in Object-oriented style).- Tiny language surface area (eg. no ternaries, for example).