Listing memcached keysEdit

You officially can’t do this, but unofficially you can, at least good enough for debugging purposes in the development environment, by testing memcached with telnet.

First, connect to the daemon with telnet (eg. telnet localhost 11211 or similar) and get a slab id:

stats items
STAT items:7:number 1
STAT items:7:age 22
STAT items:7:evicted 0
STAT items:7:evicted_time 0
STAT items:7:outofmemory 0
STAT items:7:tailrepairs 0

Now, use cachedump, passing in the id and a limit specifying the maximum number of keys to dump:

stats cachedump 7 100
ITEM views/tweets_sidebar [290 b; 1283471297 s]

And you can retrieve using the listed key(s):

get views/tweets_sidebar
VALUE views/tweets_sidebar 0 290


See also