Can't pull command-t repository anymore…

  1. anonymous

    …because I get

    `fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly`

    Is there anything I can do?

    My .git/config is

    $ cat .git/config 
    	repositoryformatversion = 0
    	filemode = true
    	bare = false
    	logallrefupdates = true
    	ignorecase = true
    [remote "origin"]
    	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    	url = git://
    [branch "master"]
    	remote = origin
    	merge = refs/heads/master
  2. Greg Hurrell

    Not sure what was wrong, I restarted xinetd and all is well again. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

    If it ever goes down again, there are also mirrors of the official repo here:

    • git://
    • git://
  3. gio


    thanks, that fixed it! I'll write the mirrors down in my .git/config



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