Vim 7.3 on Windows crash after using Command-T

  1. anonymous

    Ruby version: 1.9.2-p180

    Vim version: 7.3.46

    Devkit: DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.2-20110712-1620-sfx

    I've done all the steps without problem but when i'm going to use ":CommandT" command i gets the following error message.

    "Line 2 Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError: code converter not found (ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8)"

    If i press the down key i get "NoMethodError: undefined method 'length' for nil:NilClass"

    After that if i push ESC i get a windows crash for vim.

    I hope help you :-)

    Thx for your work, Mario


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