Missing, "un-indexed" files

  1. anonymous

    I'm in the root of my Rails project, and for some reason Command-T never seems to find anything under public/ or lib/. F.ex. I type "libfoo", and instead of "lib/foo.rb", I get nothing at all. Are these being matched with some "ignore" parameter, or is something else going on here?

  2. Greg Hurrell

    It may be ignored by your 'wildignore' setting (see the docs), but perhaps the most likely explanation is that you're hitting the file-count limit, which defaults to 10,000 files.

    On a larger project, anything after the 10,000th file won't be indexed. You can raise the limit with something like this from inside Vim:

    :let g:CommandTMaxFiles=20000

    Or, to make that permanent, add it to your .vimrc:

    let g:CommandTMaxFiles=20000
  3. anonymous

    Sweet! Turns out .hg/ had about 17k files in it (!), so i put it in wildignore, and that seems to have done it. Thanks!


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