How can I let Command-T know about NEW files added under the current dir?

  1. AndreiC


    My TextMate clone (e-texteditor) will monitor the directory and will automatically find out about new files added.

    I have added some files, but after pressing Ctrl-T, Command-T still does not know about them.

    Is there a way to force refresh/reload the files known/cached by Command-T?


  2. Greg Hurrell

    Yes, manually with :CommandTFlush.

    You could put this in an autocmd to make it happen automatically after certain events take place, but this kind of thing isn't included by default as it would introduce a noticeable delay when in large directory hierarchies. See ticket #1626 for a slightly more efficient proposal.

    Monitoring the directory via some kind of callback mechanism (eg FSEvents or kqueue etc) isn't really possible inside a Vim plugin, as far as I know.

  3. AndreiC

    Many thanks, it works! This is good enough!


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