wildignore in macvim

  1. Nick Carter

    So I've tried setting this to both a quote-delimited string and without delimiters, but it doesn't seem to be excluding the directory I've specified.

    In this case I'm running :set wildignore+=out/**

    This should remove all files from the out directory (relative to the cwd at the moment) correct? I still see matches under out after running this.

  2. Nick Carter

    Seems I needed to add this to an autocommand, which I've done. I do see out/ results, but they're further down the list which is good enough for now.

  3. Greg Hurrell

    Yep, :set wildignore+=out/** should definitely work.

    Can you post the contents of your ~/.vimrc and also the output of :set wildignore?

  4. Nick Carter

    Contents follow. This is from my work machine, which is slightly different from the one at home and which I haven't gotten CommandT working on yet:

    color vilight
    set ic  
    set hls is
    set si
    set foldmethod=indent
    set foldnestmax=10 
    set nofoldenable  
    set foldlevel=1  
    set nu
    set backspace=indent,eol,start
    set noro
    set nowrap
    set tabstop=2
    set shiftwidth=2
    set autoindent
    set wildignore+=out/**
    filetype plugin on
    syntax on
    set guifont=Lucida_Console:h14:cANSI
    set guioptions=""

    "this wildignore should also affect :vim searches is my understanding, and they are still coming back with results from out/

  5. Greg Hurrell

    Not sure if 'wildignore' affects :vim searches or not. Perhaps it does.

    In any case, You can test the effect of your 'wildignore' setting by calling the expand() function.

    For example, just say your 'wildignore' contains 'foo' and you're in a directory with files "foo" and "bar":

    • :echo expand("foo") will echo nothing at all, because the "foo" file in the current directory is filtered out by the 'wildignore' setting
    • :echo expand("bar") will echo "bar", because "bar" is not filtered out
    • :echo expand("baz") will echo "baz", because even though "baz" doesn't exist in the current directory, neither does it get filtered out

    So, if your settings are correct, then :echo expand("out/foo/bar") should echo nothing at all.


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