Use it for Tags, Buffers, etc. too?
I've just installed Command-T and I love it. What about extending it by the possibilty to navigate to function definitions (via ctags), open buffers and so on?
Best regards
Greg Hurrell
Well, initially one of the guiding design philosophies was to do one thing (file navigation) and do it really well, but I think at least in the case of buffer navigation there is a strong case to be made that buffer navigation is actually just a special case of file navigation ie. you're (mostly) navigating open files.
So I am open to adding this and there is already a request for buffer navigation in the issue tracker: see ticket #1608.
As for tags, that one hasn't been requested yet. I'm not a heavy tags user myself so I probably won't be the one to implement it, but if somebody wants to submit a patch or two for it I'd be happy to take a look at it/them. I've added a placeholder ticket in the issue tracker for this: ticket #1746.
If files were sorted in this priority:
- last accessed ( acessed before the buffer you're currently in )
- files that are open buffers
- all other files
Command-t would be the one plugin to rule them all.
So if you invoked cmd-t list and if you didnt type anything you'd see a list of open buffers.
Typing <leader>t <cr> would take you to the last file you were working on.
This is how command-t in textmate works, which is a huge timesaver for switching between files.
Also I believe this would also fit within your criteria of doing file navigation exceptionally well as well as it would take care of buffer navigation in a very elegant manner.
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