Weekly progress report #4

Time for another progress report. As always, the usual disclaimers apply. This is just an overview of commits on the currently checked-out branch in each repository, so any work done on side branches doesn’t show up. The time limits involved are also only approximate; for example, I produced this report by passing in 10.days.ago to my Git script, so some overlap or gap relative to the the last report is possible.


3a7877f Bump copyright year in version file
9480d47 Update an import (broken by WOCommon to WOPublic migration)
065829c Add buildtools as a submodule rather than using a relative path
f70b724 Update Xcode project references to new buildtools location
e401844 Update headers to synch with recent refactorings
c4bcf03 Make WOPublic a submodule
e409772 Remove all references to WOCommon
fb038e1 Update version numbers in README file
002b0f0 Bump version numbers and copyright range for 3.5a9 release
a7c1fc2 Bump version number post-release
36a24a7 Remove stale localized resources
720a661 Add ability to temporarily disable last.fm submissions
106ffb3 Flush preferences to disk immediately
a79503f Bump version number for 3.5.1a release
ffe595e Bump version number post-release
3c9b8a3 Detect and offer to quit existing versions running at launch time

33 files changed, 2887 insertions(+), 42247 deletions(-)


fa5898a Add WOLoginItem* classes to Xcode project file
f2b8d13 Raise if WOLoginItem initialized with a nil path
143994e Add buildtools as a submodule
31c7469 Update references to use submodule version of buildtools
483315b Fix header breakage
9fbb9c6 Add missing files to project

7 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)


353acba Xcode project noise
0a3374e Add buildtools submodule
3e6d5da Update project references to submodule version of buildtools

3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)


67d55c3 Show multiple flash items as bullet points
b9eff44 CSS: Make bullet points in flashes look nice
e107048 Use emphasis in the stale article flash
6be658f Show tweet number in tweets#show HTML template
3bb5063 Add Wincent Login Tool to products menu in navigation bar
4047b04 Remove executable permissions from non-executable files
837658b Remove obsolete "stories" directory
a33e520 Migration: Add "header" and "footer" fields to Product model
ca104a2 Add initial CSS file for products controller
8ec7940 Add products#show template
a4494ee Add products#show action
41dd5d2 Make "footer" and "header" accessible on product model
cf15195 Add "footer" and "header" fields to products#new template
1d089b6 Teach "navbar_selected?" method to recognize product pages
9ad4e45 Don't set empty CSS class on unselected navbar items
c2db557 Extract product creation/editing form into a separate partial
8014b14 Trim commented-out code from comments#form partial
8773d2e Use comments form partial in comments#edit template
bfbd008 Add comment_form_path helper method
a238759 Remove cruft from comments#edit template
2cf064a Clean up links in products#new template
8d33202 Add products#edit action and template
4b498ac Add products#update action
d5b7a0f Use shorter syntax when possible when using redirect_to
05bc634 Remove unwanted trailing periods from flash messages
8bbd7cc Add "Page" model
e635caf Make "Products" link in navbar point to products controller
2b507ed Synch static HTML files with changes in dynamic layout
e6eab81 Migration: add product id to pages table
f2d06a9 Set up pages association and show default page in products#show
c533233 Routing: nest "pages" resource inside "products" for editing purposes
0c02be7 Show page title in HTML title span for products#show
f90902d Provide table for viewing/editing/adding pages from products#edit
864c493 Set up pages#new
0b33fe0 Drop unnecessary parens in tweets#new template
6a22e82 Implement pages#create action
ac4edcf Flesh out products#create action
eb191db Extract pages#new form into a separate partial
b63bbde Implement pages#edit
8dc12ef Add pages helper
b4014ee Simplify params to embedded_product_page_path method
861e287 Implement pages#update action
f09072d Split page validations across multiple lines
9482140 Add button to destroy pages
cd6e540 Fix products#edit button label
5ddd3e0 Add cart graphics from Bartelme Design
5b36d36 Add various support graphics
80e5bef Drop "min" component from jQuery script
d442806 Add rake tasks for minified JavaScript
dd6b6c2 Add "maxified" versions of some JavaScript
e8c475a Use symlinks for switching between JavaScript variants
901bd38 Remove invisible non-breaking spaces
86aab39 Drop -v switch to yuicompressor
ea8efeb Capistrano: run js:minify:deploy rake task during deployment
b0d385d Add minified versions of JavaScript files
a47befe Simplify tweet sweeper
2530738 Implement page caching for products pages
295457d Add CSS for screenshot thumbnails with "expand widgets"
e2e0d8a Initial version of products JavaScript (lightbox implementation)
0e5e592 lightbox: preload images on mouseover (mouseenter)
88d361e lightbox: show spinner on click
b5b5b94 lightbox: show preloaded images on click
1c239b2 Add 12px margin to lightbox thumbnail frames
62a3e40 lightbox: Extract show_spinner function
5596523 lightbox: remove unwanted debugging alert
b766f9d lightbox: disable clicks on all lightboxes when showing image
7bccf23 lightbox: dim out "expand widgets" upon disabling them
d9a39b0 lightbox: move auxialliary helper functions to bottom
7a32c6c lightbox: drop temporary variables in show_image function
69256dd Add CSS styling and close widget to lightbox
3d8f114 lightbox: dynamically position lightbox relative to thumbnail
c4df39a lightbox: reenable "expand widgets" when dismissing a lightbox
53ca457 lightbox: remove unnecessary nested "each"
76ea1d2 lightbox: use "unbind" in "enable_expand_widgets" function
caec3b5 lightbox: don't show spinner if image is already preloaded
13defc1 lightbox: replace old image when re-showing lightbox
6b1e86e lightbox: "uniquify" handling of click events
201f2a1 Add "minified" version of products.js file
ce47d8e Add graphics required by lightbox implementation
9092cbf lightbox: show caption in lightbox tooltip
00a253f lightbox: show caption in bottom border of lightbox
10492bc Include products JavaScript (for lightbox) in products#show template
80771f0 Add support graphics for "expand" widget and large spinner
92164ea lightbox: add "alt" and "title" attributes to the "expand" widget
8252af9 Do not put product header, footer and page body in separate divs
d9e4a52 Give products drop-down menu a high z-index
ecedf16 CSS: add "column" class
fcffc77 CSS: make lightbox captions truly centered
bfe1713 CSS: make lightbox thumbnails appear "inline"
2134343 Add support images for product pages
28e2b7b Remove .htaccess file
f28d36d Git: ignore cached products pages
07505d0 Make "assets" subdirectory
2d46747 Assets: add script icon
753651e More asset juggling
1f92b97 Products CSS: use relative CSS URLs
1c27d46 Correct comment typo
0ebabde lightbox: scroll viewport to center of lightbox
626e60d lightbox: animate scrolling
e70be17 lightbox: fix spinner glitches
b857848 Use "happier" colors for product navbar buttons
97e7ac0 Migration: add "position" and "category" columns to "products" table
409548d Sort products by category then position
0ff941d Add ability to edit product position and category from forms

152 files changed, 1648 insertions(+), 921 deletions(-)


1d1c4af Bash: add alias for yuicompressor
abe6fbf Ack: treat "builder" and "rake" files as Ruby
ccb399d Vim: add nbsp to listchars

3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)