Upcoming site changes: repo browsing functionality

Seeing as my weekly progress reports have proved to be everything but weekly, given that they rely on me actually remembering to prepare them, I’ve started work on integrating Git repository browsing functionality right into the site.

Instead of a weekly progress report, you’ll be able to subscribe to an Atom feed of all commits as they get published. This will also replace the GitWeb installation that I currently have running. Unlike GitWeb, which is only for public, open source code, the integrated repository browser will allow me to publish info about private, closed source repositories as well (commit logs, for example, but not the actual source code itself).

As I’ve written elsewhere, I expect to migrate more and more of my code from closed to open source as time goes by, and having an integrated repository browser will make things like the issue tracker even more useful.

Still early (design) stages yet, but solid progress is being made. Feel free to watch ticket #1135 (there is an Atom feed on the page) if you’d like to keep abreast of developments.