PayPal scammers

In the last month I have received 26 emails from mindless scammers trying to lure me to their phoney websites and enter my PayPal details (along with my banking information, social security number and everything else). This is almost one per day and that’s only counting the messages which get past the spam filters on the server. If you include other phishers (for Ebay and many online banks) then the number of emails must be astronomical. Many of these fools don’t even speak English. The one I got yesterday told me to "Avoid Terminate Your Membership".

Why can’t these people just give up and get a real job? Do they sleep well at night? Do they feel smug about how clever they are? Do they derive satisfaction from spamming millions of mailboxes and tricking a small number of neophytes into giving up their account details? Have they ever considered how rewarding it might be to lead ethical lives, invent something creative and innovative, contribute to society?

The worst part is that these are not even clever criminals, they’re stupid ones who don’t even execute the scam well; their messages are riddled with inconsistencies, spelling mistakes, forced language and littered with tell-tale signs that signal the fraud. When will these worms just shrivel up and die?