New keyboard

Lately the crusty old white keyboard that came with my iMac has been getting harder and harder to use. Key combinations were getting hard to type because the Command key would stick at the top unless you pushed down really hard or at a perfect 90 degree angle, presumably because of wear and built-up gunk. Apart from being annoying it’s also not very healthy for someone who sits in front of a keyboard eight hours a day.

Just picked up a shiny new aluminum model and within the first five seconds I am already in love. The lower profile makes for a more comfortable wrist angle; the key travel is shorter and requires less effort; the gaps between the keys are large enough to facilitate cleaning (unlike the old one which was just a plastic tub for collecting dust, grit and hair… yuck!). Bonus points for looking cool.

Time will tell how well the keyboard stands up to abuse, but if the reliability proves to be adequate then this will most definitely be the best Apple keyboard I’ve ever owned. A bargain at 49€.

Spent one microsecond looking at the wireless model and rejected it outright; I’m just not interested in a keyboard that doesn’t have a proper numeric keypad.

Update: One day later

After a full day’s intensive typing I’m pleased to report that this little keyboard exceeds my expectations in every way. Typing on this thing is effortless due to the reduced key travel and lower resistance; you can definitely type faster on this thing, and more easily. I whole-heartedly recommend it.