Synergy 3.2.1b and 3.5a7 now available

I’m pleased to announce the availability of Synergy updates to both the stable 3.2 series (3.2.1b) and the experimental 3.5 alpha series (3.5a7). The principal change in both series is a workaround for the cover art breakage caused by iTunes 7.6.1 and 7.6.2.

A full changelog appears here.

Which version should you use?

The stable 3.2 series runs on any version of Mac OS X from Jaguar right through to Leopard.

The 3.5 series, on the other hand, is a total rewrite in Objective-C 2.0 which will run only on Leopard and as such it is somewhat experimental in nature. If you want stability then I recommend that you stick with 3.2 for now, but if you like to live on the edge and see the latest then by all means try out the 3.5 series. Unfortunately there are some sporadic crashes caused by a bug in NSAppleScript under Garbage Collection on Leopard; Apple is aware of the issue and is working on a fix but hasn’t stated when an update containing the fix will be made available — I am tracking the issue in bug #640. I encourage you to file a bug report with Apple if you’d like to see them fix this sooner rather than later (see bug #640 for more details).

Where can I get it?

You can download the new releases from here (direct link to 3.2.1b, direct link to 3.5a7) and purchase a license using this page. Once the 3.5 series goes final it will be a free upgrade to all users who have purchased a license for Synergy 3.0 or higher (that is, if you purchased on or after 5 September 2006 then 3.5 will be a free upgrade for you).