Upgrading to ruby-debug 0.9Edit
Much like last time but with a twist:
sudo gem install ruby-debug
Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
Select which gem to install for your platform (i686-darwin8.8.1)
1. ruby-debug 0.8.1 (ruby)
2. ruby-debug 0.8 (ruby)
3. ruby-debug 0.7.5 (mswin32)
4. ruby-debug 0.7.5 (ruby)
5. Skip this gem
6. Cancel installation
> 6
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteInstallationCancelled)
Installation of ruby-debug cancelled.
Note that it tried to install the old version again. So I explicitly specified the desired version:
sudo gem install ruby-debug -v 0.9
Need to update 3 gems from http://gems.rubyforge.org
Install required dependency ruby-debug-base? [Yn] Y
Select which gem to install for your platform (i686-darwin8.8.1)
1. ruby-debug-base 0.9 (ruby)
2. ruby-debug-base 0.9 (mswin32)
3. Skip this gem
4. Cancel installation
> 1
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed ruby-debug-0.9
Successfully installed ruby-debug-base-0.9
Installing ri documentation for ruby-debug-0.9...
Installing ri documentation for ruby-debug-base-0.9...
Installing RDoc documentation for ruby-debug-0.9...
Installing RDoc documentation for ruby-debug-base-0.9...
Then update the FastRI index:
fastri-server -b
Changelog for 0.9
- Kernel#debugger method will start the debugger if it’s not running.
- Added Context#stop_reason method.
- Calling a method with a block will create a new frame. This changes the behavior of 'next' command. So in order to step into a block, 'step' command must be used. That fixes bug #9629.
- Added the possibility to add a temporary context-specific breakpoint. Context#breakpoint and Context#set_breakpoint methods are added.
- 'cont' command now accepts a numerical parameter which implements 'Continue until line' behavior.
- Added new Context.frame_class method
- Added new 'framefullpath' setting.
- Added new 'frameclassname' setting.
- All Ruby’s 'eval' and require/load methods create a new frame. Fixes bug #9686.
See also
- Release notes: http://rubyforge.org/frs/shownotes.php?release_id=10832
- Release notes: http://rubyforge.org/frs/shownotes.php?release_id=10832