Unicorn 2.0.0, 1.1.5, 1.0.2Edit
tldr: 2.0.0 - cleanups for Rainbows!, but should be ready for general use barring portability issues 1.1.5 - bug fixes 1.0.2 - bug fixes
Please send any and all feedback to the mailing list. Do not waste
bandwidth with HTML or signature attachments.
email: mongrel-unicorn@rubyforge.org
git: git://git.bogomips.org/unicorn.git
The longer change summaries/release notes:
== unicorn 2.0.0 - mostly internal cleanups
Despite the version number, this release mostly features
internal cleanups for future versions of Rainbows!. User
visible changes include reductions in CPU wakeups on idle sites
using high timeouts.
Barring possible portability issues due to the introduction of
the kgio library, this release should be ready for all to use.
However, 1.1.x (and possibly 1.0.x) will continue to be
maintained. Unicorn 1.1.5 and 1.0.2 have also been released
with bugfixes found during development of 2.0.0.
== unicorn 1.1.5
This maintenance release fixes several long-standing but
recently-noticed bugs. SIGHUP reloading now correctly restores
default values if they're erased or commented-out in the Unicorn
configuration file. Delays/slowdowns in signal handling since
0.990 are fixed, too.
== unicorn 1.0.2
This is the latest maintenance release of the 1.0.x series.
All users are encouraged to upgrade to 1.1.x stable series
and report bugs there.
Shortlog of changes since 1.0.1:
Eric Wong (8):
fix delays in signal handling
Rakefile: don't post freshmeat on empty changelogs
Rakefile: capture prerelease tags
configurator: use "__send__" instead of "send"
configurator: reloading with unset values restores default
gemspec: depend on Isolate 3.0.0 for dev
doc: stop using deprecated rdoc CLI options
Have fun!