Greg Hurrell
Marking as ASSIGNED.
For reference, here is the original customer email which prompted me to open this bug report:
Furthermore, a substantial amount of the artwork retrieved from the Internet is plain wrong and duplicate, in various qualities, at that. I found an album for which I had 30 (sic) different covers!
If there is duplicate art, it's because the ID3 tags in the tracks lead Synergy to believe that the tracks are from a different album. There are two distinct problems here:
(1) Bad information in the ID3 tags.
If you have two tracks from the same album, but one has "The White Room" in the ID3 tag and the other has "Wihte RooM", for example, Synergy will think that it's dealing with two different albums. Depending on how bad the discrepancy is, it's possible that Amazon might provide different art for the two tracks.
(2) Synergy ignores the "compilation" flag (this is a design flaw in Synergy).
Just say you have an album called "Album Title" with the compilation flag set. Because Synergy ignores this flag, it will see "Track A" by "Art A" and "Track B" by "Artist B" as being from different albums, because Synergy will see "Artist A, Album" and "Artist A, Album Title" and "Artist B, Album Title" as being different identifiers, because they are not an exact match.
In order to fix this issue, Synergy will have to detect and pay attention to the compilation flag, and in those cases search Amazon using only the album title and not the combination of artist name plus album title. The fact that it includes the artist name in the search is what sometimes leads Amazon to supply different results, and that's why you have albums with multiple different covers.
Greg Hurrell
Changing assignment to reflect my new email address.
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