Greg Hurrell
I can't reproduce this problem.
Brett C
I am running 10.3.8 if that helps any. I also have not rebooted since installing Synergy 1.8.1 in case that makes a difference.
I did try relaunching iTunes already.
Joshua Puetz
I'm seeing this bug as well on OS X 10.3.9 and Synergy 1.8.1 using Growl. Hitting play shows correct album art. Hitting forward to skip to the next song shows artwork from song #1. Fast forward to song
- 3 shows art from song #2, etc. If you hit pause, the artwork catches up to song #3. Hit play and
artwork remains correct. Fastfoward to song #4, and the bug reappears with the artwork from song #3 displaying.
This works in reverse as well. Play song #1, artwork correct. Fastforward to song #2, art for song #1 displays. Reward to song #1, art for song #2 displays.
Brett C
Crap, forgot to mention I was running Growl. Sorry about that, Wincent.
Greg Hurrell
Can you try to do some isolation to see if the problem is present when you do things like: try from another user account; drag the preferences file out onto the desktop and restart Synergy; try without Growl etc. I definitely can't reproduce the problem, so we need to figure out under exactly which circumstances it occurs.
More tips here:
Brett C
I only have a single account on my machine (and installed on to run only on my account anyway) so I can't test that.
With Synergy turned off for Growl usage and going to back to Synergy's floater the problem goes away.
Dragging out my plist file, stopping Synergy, relaunching (and it was confirmed it was a new plist being used since it popped up that Synergy was shareware and I have a registered copy), and turning Growl back on reproduces the problem.
Growl is 0.6.1 on my machine (installed from DarwinPorts if that makes a difference, which it shouldn't).
Greg Hurrell
(In reply to comment #6)
I only have a single account on my machine (and installed on to run only on my account anyway) so I can't test that.
You could also create one if you have administrator privileges and the delete it afterwards if you don't want the extra account on the machine. From the sounds of it though it looks like Growl is the key factor and not anything specific to your account. In other words it would happen in any account with Growl installed.
With Synergy turned off for Growl usage and going to back to Synergy's floater the problem goes away.
Your original summary said "album cover in floater". Can you clarify whether the wrong cover is in the Synergy floater, the Growl notification, or both? I've reworded the summary to reflect what my understanding of the issue is.
If this is a Growl-only problem it should be fairly easy to fix.
Brett C
Yep, your clarification is correct. Sorry again; too loose with terminology. I have the floater provided by Synergy turned off. This is all about the Growl notification.
Greg Hurrell
Ok, I think I've fixed this now.
Greg Hurrell
If you want to test out the new build try downloading this one.
Brett C
Cool! Other than having to enter my serial again it works fine! I consider the bug fixed (fought the developer in me to close it myself since I don't know if you leave them open to remind you what has been fixed between versions and such).
Thanks for the prompt work, Wincent. Looking forward to seeing Synergy Advance and expexting to shell out 7€ for it.
Greg Hurrell
I used to close stuff as soon as it was fixed, but my current policy is to leave bugs open with the "fixed- in-prerelease" keyword set until the new version is released. This is because Bugzilla by default searches only open bugs; if the fixed bugs wind up as closed before the new version comes out I therefore end up getting lots of duplicate bug reports...
Jason W
I experience this same problem in OS X 10.3.8 and Synergy 1.8.1. When I use Synergy's hot key to advance to the next track, or when iTunes changes tracks automatically, the album art in my Growl notification shows the album that was previously playing. The floater, should I choose to display it, shows the correct art.
Greg Hurrell
Jason, if you read the comments you'll see that this is already fixed.
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