Greg Hurrell
Thanks for the very detailed report, Brad. Can you do a couple of tests for me?
Firstly, see if you can reproduce the crash with a clean set of preferences (move
/Users/<your username>/Library/Preferences/org.wincent.Synergy.plist
out onto the Desktop and restart Synergy).Secondly, see if you can reproduce the crash from a different user account.
In the meantime I'll be checking that code path to see if I can spot any bugs.
Greg Hurrell
Ok. I've had a look at this and luckily the exception message is extremely clear and unambiguous; there is only one line in the entire codebase where that exception could possibly be raised.
Looks like iTunes is sending a nil (empty) track title on your machine: something which no version of iTunes has ever done on any operating system release, at least given the information that I have available to me. So I've put a guard in checking for that possibility and catching it.
So that will definitely fix the crash you're seeing. There may be other cases where iTunes is passing something unexpected, but we'll fix those if and when they arise. As for why this is happening on your machine, no idea. Could be something weird about your library. But the cause doesn't matter; the important thing is that the issue is stopped from causing a crash.
So this will be included in the next release, which I'll be making available at some point in the next few days.
Marking this one as closed for now.
Greg Hurrell
Status changed:
- From: new
- To: closed
Greg Hurrell
Summary changed:
- From: Application crashes silently after hitting "start"
- To: Crash on launch due to nil _woSongDictionaryTitle
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