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June 10, 2006

freshclam: "Problem with internal logger"

Yesterday I received notification that an hourly freshclam update had failed on my Red Hat Enterprise Linux box. Overnight I continued to receive hourly notifications, each saying the following:


ERROR: Problem with internal logger.

I found the explanation here: that there was a hung freshclam process lingering on the system.

The solution? Kill the process and run freshclam manually (slightly edited to shorten long lines):

$ ps auxww | grep fresh
root     13372  0.0  0.0  2132  880 ?        S    Jun09   0:00 /bin/sh /etc/cron.hourly/freshclam
clamav   13373  0.0  0.0  2424  896 ?        S    Jun09   0:00 /usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet
root     13374  0.0  0.0  1948  596 ?        S    Jun09   0:00 awk -v progname=/etc/cron.hourly/freshclam
obfuscat 23287  0.0  0.0  4772  676 pts/0    S    08:14   0:00 grep fresh
$ sudo kill 13372
$ ps auxww | grep fresh
clamav   13373  0.0  0.0  2424  896 ?        S    Jun09   0:00 /usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet
root     13374  0.0  0.0  1948  596 ?        S    Jun09   0:00 awk -v progname=/etc/cron.hourly/freshclam
obfuscat 23299  0.0  0.0  4752  672 pts/0    S    08:15   0:00 grep fresh
$ sudo kill 13373
$ ps auxww | grep fresh
obfuscat 23306  0.0  0.0  4752  672 pts/0    S    08:15   0:00 grep fresh
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/freshclam 
ClamAV update process started at Sat Jun 10 08:15:34 2006
Downloading main.cvd [*]
main.cvd updated (version: 39, sigs: 58116, f-level: 8, builder: tkojm)
Downloading daily.cvd [*]
daily.cvd updated (version: 1524, sigs: 903, f-level: 8, builder: tkojm)
Database updated (59019 signatures) from (IP:
Clamd successfully notified about the update.

This is what I saw in the /var/log/freshclam.log file; firstly, the last successful update:

ClamAV update process started at Fri Jun  9 15:01:01 2006
main.cvd is up to date (version: 38, sigs: 51206, f-level: 7, builder: tkojm)
daily.cvd is up to date (version: 1523, sigs: 7866, f-level: 8, builder: sven)

Then problems accessing the mirrors:

ClamAV update process started at Fri Jun  9 16:01:01 2006
ERROR: Mirrors are not fully synchronized. Please try again later.
Trying again in 5 secs...
ClamAV update process started at Fri Jun  9 16:02:12 2006
ERROR: Mirrors are not fully synchronized. Please try again later.
Trying again in 5 secs...
ClamAV update process started at Fri Jun  9 16:03:08 2006
ERROR: Error while reading database from
ERROR: Can't download main.cvd from (IP:
Giving up on
ClamAV update process started at Fri Jun  9 16:12:41 2006
ERROR: Mirrors are not fully synchronized. Please try again later.
Trying again in 5 secs...
ClamAV update process started at Fri Jun  9 16:13:36 2006
ERROR: Verification: Broken or not a CVD file
Trying again in 5 secs...
ClamAV update process started at Fri Jun  9 16:13:44 2006
ERROR: Error while reading database from
ERROR: Can't download main.cvd from (IP:
Giving up on
ERROR: Update failed. Your network may be down or none of the mirrors listed in freshclam.conf is working.
ERROR: Update failed. Your network may be down or none of the mirrors listed in freshclam.conf is working.

And on the next hourly run, the hung process:

ClamAV update process started at Fri Jun  9 17:01:01 2006

Finally, the manual update performed after killing the hung process:

ClamAV update process started at Sat Jun 10 08:15:34 2006
main.cvd updated (version: 39, sigs: 58116, f-level: 8, builder: tkojm)
daily.cvd updated (version: 1524, sigs: 903, f-level: 8, builder: tkojm)
Database updated (59019 signatures) from (IP:
Clamd successfully notified about the update.

Posted by wincent at June 10, 2006 03:25 PM