Bugzilla 2.22.2 to 3.0 upgrade notesEdit

These notes were made during the upgrade of my Bugzilla install from Bugzilla 2.22.2 to 3.0.


This is an important major upgrade with plenty of scope for things to go wrong, so it is important to carefully revise the release notes and other supporting materials before proceeding:

Key points for my install:

  • Perl version 5.8.0 is now required
  • A newer version of the DBI CPAN module is now required (1.41)
  • Two other CPAN modules, Email::Send and Email::MIME::Modifier, are now required for the first time
  • A number of other CPAN modules have been added to the list of "optional" modules
  • Outbound emails are now controlled by templates instead of parameters: this is important for me because my outbound emails are slightly customized

To see which modules are installed see "Finding out which CPAN modules are installed".

Finally, the release notes state:

If you upgrade by CVS, there are several .cvsignore files that are now in CVS instead of being locally created by checksetup.pl. This means that you will have to delete those files when CVS tells you there’s a conflict, and then run cvs update again.

Upgrade procedure

  • Run sanitycheck.cgi from within the browser.
  • In the "Parameters" section set shutdownhtml to a useful value:
Currently closed for maintenance, please check back again soon.
  • Back up the database:
mysqldump -u database_user -p database_name | bzip2 -c > bugzilla-2.22.2.sql.bz2
  • Back up the installed files:
cd path_to_bugzilla_installation
sudo tar -c -v . > ~/bugzilla-2.22.2.tar
gzip --verbose -9 ~/bugzilla-2.22.2.tar
  • Upgrade installed CPAN modules for which newer versions are available:

This step isn’t strictly necessary, but seeing as this is a fairly disruptive upgrade anyway I may as well take the opportunity to get these modules up to date at the same time.

# upgrade CPAN from 1.87 to 1.9102
sudo -H cpan CPAN

# upgrade DBI from 1.48 to 1.55
sudo -H cpan DBI

The first attempt failed miserably but part of the output included the following:

*** Your LANG environment variable is set to 'en_US.UTF-8'
*** This is known to cause problems for some perl installations.
*** If you get test failures please try again eith LANG unset.

So I did the following before trying again.

unset LANG

This worked, so I proceded with the other modules:

# upgrade File::Spec from 3.16 to 3.24
sudo -H cpan File::Spec

# upgrade Template from 2.14 to 2.19
sudo -H cpan Template
  • Install required CPAN modules which are not yet installed on the system:
sudo -H cpan Email::Send
sudo -H cpan Email::MIME::Modifier
  • Install some optional CPAN modules not yet installed on the system:
sudo -H cpan Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper
sudo -H cpan Email::Reply
sudo -H cpan HTML::Scrubber
  • Upgrade some optional CPAN modules already installed on the system:
# HTML::Parser 3.45 to 3.56
sudo -H cpan HTML::Parser

This didn’t work:

Parser.xs: In function `dup_pstate':
Parser.xs:290: `CLONEf_JOIN_IN' undeclared (first use in this function)
Parser.xs:290: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
Parser.xs:290: for each function it appears in.)
make: *** [Parser.o] Error 1

A Google search yielded this message indicating that 3.56 won’t work with Perl 5.8.0. So I manually installed 3.55:

wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/G/GA/GAAS/HTML-Parser-3.55.tar.gz
tar xzvf HTML-Parser-3.55.tar.gz
cd HTML-Parser-3.55
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install
  • Perform the actual update using CVS (CVS password is "anonymous"):
sudo -s
cvs login
cvs update -rBugzilla_Stable -dP


? padlock.png
? secpatch
? service
cvs update: Updating .
P .cvsignore
P Bugzilla.pm
P attachment.cgi
P buglist.cgi
P bugzilla.dtd
P chart.cgi
P checksetup.pl
P colchange.cgi
P collectstats.pl
P config.cgi
P createaccount.cgi
P describecomponents.cgi
P describekeywords.cgi
P duplicates.cgi
P editclassifications.cgi
P editcomponents.cgi
U editfields.cgi
P editflagtypes.cgi
P editgroups.cgi
P editkeywords.cgi
P editmilestones.cgi
P editparams.cgi
P editproducts.cgi
P editsettings.cgi
P editusers.cgi
P editvalues.cgi
P editversions.cgi
P editwhines.cgi
U email_in.pl
P enter_bug.cgi
cvs update: conflict: globals.pl is modified but no longer in the repository
C globals.pl
P importxml.pl
P index.cgi
U mod_perl.pl
P page.cgi
P post_bug.cgi
P process_bug.cgi
P query.cgi
P quips.cgi
P relogin.cgi
P report.cgi
P reports.cgi
P request.cgi
P sanitycheck.cgi
U search_plugin.cgi
P show_activity.cgi
P show_bug.cgi
P showattachment.cgi
P showdependencygraph.cgi
P showdependencytree.cgi
P sidebar.cgi
P summarize_time.cgi
P testagent.cgi
P testserver.pl
P token.cgi
P userprefs.cgi
P votes.cgi
P whine.pl
P whineatnews.pl
U xmlrpc.cgi
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla
P Bugzilla/Attachment.pm
P Bugzilla/Auth.pm
P Bugzilla/Bug.pm
P Bugzilla/BugMail.pm
P Bugzilla/CGI.pm
P Bugzilla/Chart.pm
P Bugzilla/Classification.pm
P Bugzilla/Component.pm
P Bugzilla/Config.pm
P Bugzilla/Constants.pm
P Bugzilla/DB.pm
P Bugzilla/Error.pm
P Bugzilla/Field.pm
P Bugzilla/Flag.pm
P Bugzilla/FlagType.pm
P Bugzilla/Group.pm
U Bugzilla/Hook.pm
U Bugzilla/Install.pm
U Bugzilla/Keyword.pm
U Bugzilla/Mailer.pm
P Bugzilla/Milestone.pm
U Bugzilla/Object.pm
P Bugzilla/Product.pm
P Bugzilla/Search.pm
P Bugzilla/Series.pm
P Bugzilla/Template.pm
P Bugzilla/Token.pm
U Bugzilla/Update.pm
P Bugzilla/User.pm
P Bugzilla/Util.pm
P Bugzilla/Version.pm
U Bugzilla/WebService.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Attachment
U Bugzilla/Attachment/PatchReader.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth
U Bugzilla/Auth/Login.pm
cvs update: Bugzilla/Auth/README is no longer in the repository
U Bugzilla/Auth/Verify.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Login
U Bugzilla/Auth/Login/CGI.pm
U Bugzilla/Auth/Login/Cookie.pm
U Bugzilla/Auth/Login/Env.pm
U Bugzilla/Auth/Login/Stack.pm
cvs update: Bugzilla/Auth/Login/WWW.pm is no longer in the repository
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Login/CGI
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Login/WWW
cvs update: Bugzilla/Auth/Login/WWW/CGI.pm is no longer in the repository
cvs update: Bugzilla/Auth/Login/WWW/Env.pm is no longer in the repository
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Login/WWW/CGI
cvs update: Bugzilla/Auth/Login/WWW/CGI/Cookie.pm is no longer in the repository
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Persist
U Bugzilla/Auth/Persist/Cookie.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Verify
P Bugzilla/Auth/Verify/DB.pm
P Bugzilla/Auth/Verify/LDAP.pm
U Bugzilla/Auth/Verify/Stack.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Config
P Bugzilla/Config/Attachment.pm
P Bugzilla/Config/Auth.pm
P Bugzilla/Config/BugFields.pm
P Bugzilla/Config/Common.pm
P Bugzilla/Config/Core.pm
P Bugzilla/Config/GroupSecurity.pm
P Bugzilla/Config/L10n.pm
P Bugzilla/Config/LDAP.pm
P Bugzilla/Config/MTA.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/DB
P Bugzilla/DB/Mysql.pm
P Bugzilla/DB/Pg.pm
P Bugzilla/DB/Schema.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/DB/Schema
P Bugzilla/DB/Schema/Mysql.pm
P Bugzilla/DB/Schema/Pg.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Install
U Bugzilla/Install/DB.pm
U Bugzilla/Install/Filesystem.pm
U Bugzilla/Install/Localconfig.pm
U Bugzilla/Install/Requirements.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Search
P Bugzilla/Search/Quicksearch.pm
U Bugzilla/Search/Saved.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Template
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Template/Plugin
P Bugzilla/Template/Plugin/Hook.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/User
P Bugzilla/User/Setting.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/User/Setting
U Bugzilla/User/Setting/Skin.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/WebService
U Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.pm
U Bugzilla/WebService/Bugzilla.pm
U Bugzilla/WebService/Constants.pm
U Bugzilla/WebService/Product.pm
U Bugzilla/WebService/User.pm
cvs update: Updating Conf
cvs update: Updating Conf/Supplies
cvs update: Updating contrib
cvs update: contrib/BugzillaEmail.pm is no longer in the repository
cvs update: contrib/README.Mailif is no longer in the repository
cvs update: contrib/bug_email.pl is no longer in the repository
cvs update: contrib/bugmail_help.html is no longer in the repository
cvs update: contrib/bugzilla.procmailrc is no longer in the repository
cvs update: contrib/bugzilla_email_append.pl is no longer in the repository
U contrib/bz_webservice_demo.pl
P contrib/bzdbcopy.pl
P contrib/gnats2bz.pl
P contrib/merge-users.pl
U contrib/recode.pl
P contrib/sendbugmail.pl
P contrib/sendunsentbugmail.pl
P contrib/syncLDAP.pl
cvs update: Updating contrib/bug-bugzilla
cvs update: Updating contrib/bugzilla-submit
cvs update: Updating contrib/cmdline
cvs update: Updating contrib/gnatsparse
P contrib/gnatsparse/gnatsparse.py
cvs update: Updating css
cvs update: Updating docs
P docs/.cvsignore
P docs/makedocs.pl
P docs/rel_notes.txt
cvs update: Updating docs/html
U docs/html/.cvsignore
cvs update: Updating docs/html/api
U docs/html/api/.cvsignore
U docs/html/api/style.css
cvs update: Updating docs/images
U docs/images/bzLifecycle.png
P docs/images/bzLifecycle.xml
cvs update: Updating docs/images/callouts
cvs update: Updating docs/lib
cvs update: Updating docs/lib/Pod
cvs update: Updating docs/lib/Pod/Simple
cvs update: Updating docs/lib/Pod/Simple/HTML
U docs/lib/Pod/Simple/HTML/Bugzilla.pm
cvs update: Updating docs/lib/Pod/Simple/HTMLBatch
U docs/lib/Pod/Simple/HTMLBatch/Bugzilla.pm
cvs update: Updating docs/pdf
cvs update: Updating docs/sgml
cvs update: Updating docs/txt
cvs update: Updating docs/xml
U docs/xml/.cvsignore
P docs/xml/Bugzilla-Guide.xml
P docs/xml/about.xml
P docs/xml/administration.xml
P docs/xml/conventions.xml
P docs/xml/customization.xml
P docs/xml/faq.xml
P docs/xml/gfdl.xml
P docs/xml/glossary.xml
P docs/xml/index.xml
P docs/xml/installation.xml
P docs/xml/integration.xml
P docs/xml/modules.xml
P docs/xml/patches.xml
P docs/xml/requiredsoftware.xml
P docs/xml/security.xml
P docs/xml/troubleshooting.xml
P docs/xml/using.xml
cvs update: Updating images
cvs update: Updating js
U js/attachment.js
U js/expanding-tree.js
cvs update: Updating oracle
cvs update: Updating skins
cvs update: move away skins/.cvsignore; it is in the way
C skins/.cvsignore
cvs update: Updating skins/standard
U skins/standard/IE-fixes.css
P skins/standard/buglist.css
U skins/standard/create_attachment.css
U skins/standard/dependency-tree.css
P skins/standard/editusers.css
P skins/standard/global.css
P skins/standard/index.css
P skins/standard/params.css
U skins/standard/release-notes.css
P skins/standard/show_multiple.css
cvs update: Updating skins/standard/dependency-tree
U skins/standard/dependency-tree/bug-item.png
U skins/standard/dependency-tree/tree-closed.png
U skins/standard/dependency-tree/tree-open.png
U skins/standard/dependency-tree/tree.png
cvs update: Updating skins/standard/global
cvs update: Updating skins/standard/index
cvs update: Updating t
P t/001compile.t
P t/004template.t
P t/007util.t
P t/008filter.t
P t/009bugwords.t
U t/010dependencies.t
P t/012throwables.t
cvs update: Updating t/Support
P t/Support/Files.pm
P t/Support/Templates.pm
cvs update: Updating template
cvs update: Updating template/default
cvs update: Updating template/default/account
cvs update: Updating template/default/admin
cvs update: Updating template/default/admin/common
cvs update: Updating template/default/admin/resolutions
cvs update: Updating template/default/attachment
cvs update: Updating template/default/attachstatus
cvs update: Updating template/default/bug
cvs update: Updating template/default/buglist
cvs update: Updating template/default/config
cvs update: Updating template/default/entry
cvs update: Updating template/default/global
cvs update: Updating template/default/info
cvs update: Updating template/default/prefs
cvs update: Updating template/default/process
cvs update: Updating template/default/query
cvs update: Updating template/default/report
cvs update: Updating template/default/request
cvs update: Updating template/default/requestdef
cvs update: Updating template/default/requesttype
cvs update: Updating template/default/show
cvs update: Updating template/default/sidebar
cvs update: Updating template/default/token
cvs update: Updating template/default/voting
cvs update: Updating template/en
cvs update: Updating template/en/default
P template/en/default/config.js.tmpl
P template/en/default/config.rdf.tmpl
P template/en/default/filterexceptions.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/index.html.tmpl,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision
Merging differences between 1.24 and into index.html.tmpl
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
cvs update: conflicts found in template/en/default/index.html.tmpl
C template/en/default/index.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/sidebar.xul.tmpl
U template/en/default/welcome-admin.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/account
P template/en/default/account/cancel-token.txt.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/created.html.tmpl
cvs update: template/en/default/account/exists.html.tmpl is no longer in the repository
U template/en/default/account/profile-activity.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/account/auth
cvs update: template/en/default/account/auth/ldap-error.html.tmpl is no longer in the repository
P template/en/default/account/auth/login-small.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/auth/login.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/account/email
P template/en/default/account/email/change-new.txt.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/email/change-old.txt.tmpl
U template/en/default/account/email/confirm-new.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/email/confirm.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/account/email/request-new.txt.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/account/password
P template/en/default/account/password/forgotten-password.txt.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/password/set-forgotten-password.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/account/prefs
P template/en/default/account/prefs/account.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/prefs/email.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/prefs/permissions.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/prefs/prefs.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/prefs/saved-searches.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/account/prefs/settings.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin
P template/en/default/admin/confirm-action.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/sudo.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/table.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/attachstatus
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/classifications
P template/en/default/admin/classifications/add.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/classifications/del.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/classifications/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/classifications/reclassify.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/classifications/select.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/classifications/update.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/common
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/components
P template/en/default/admin/components/confirm-delete.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/components/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/components/created.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/components/deleted.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/components/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/components/footer.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/components/list.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/components/select-product.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/components/updated.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/custom_fields
U template/en/default/admin/custom_fields/create.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/admin/custom_fields/edit.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/admin/custom_fields/list.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues
P template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues/confirm-delete.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues/created.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues/deleted.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues/footer.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues/list.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues/select-field.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues/updated.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/flag-type
P template/en/default/admin/flag-type/confirm-delete.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/flag-type/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/flag-type/list.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/groups
U template/en/default/admin/groups/change.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/groups/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/groups/delete.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/groups/deleted.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/groups/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/groups/list.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/groups/remove.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/keywords
P template/en/default/admin/keywords/confirm-delete.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/keywords/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/keywords/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/keywords/list.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/keywords/rebuild-cache.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/milestones
P template/en/default/admin/milestones/confirm-delete.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/milestones/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/milestones/created.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/milestones/deleted.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/milestones/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/milestones/footer.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/milestones/list.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/milestones/select-product.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/milestones/updated.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/params
U template/en/default/admin/params/admin.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/params/attachment.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/params/bugchange.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/admin/params/bugfields.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/params/bugmove.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/admin/params/core.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/params/editparams.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/params/groupsecurity.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/params/ldap.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/params/mta.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/params/patchviewer.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/products
P template/en/default/admin/products/confirm-delete.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/products/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/products/edit-common.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/products/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/products/footer.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/products/list-classifications.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/products/list.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/products/updated.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/products/groupcontrol
P template/en/default/admin/products/groupcontrol/confirm-edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/products/groupcontrol/edit.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/request-type
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/sanitycheck
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/settings
P template/en/default/admin/settings/edit.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/users
P template/en/default/admin/users/confirm-delete.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/users/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/users/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/users/list.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/users/search.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/users/userdata.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/versions
P template/en/default/admin/versions/confirm-delete.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/versions/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/versions/created.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/versions/deleted.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/versions/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/versions/footer.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/versions/list.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/versions/select-product.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/admin/versions/updated.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/attachment
P template/en/default/attachment/choose.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/attachment/confirm-delete.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/attachment/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/attachment/created.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/attachment/createformcontents.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/attachment/delete_reason.txt.tmpl
P template/en/default/attachment/diff-header.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/attachment/edit.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/attachment/list.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/attachment/show-multiple.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/attachment/updated.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/bug
P template/en/default/bug/choose.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/comments.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/dependency-graph.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/dependency-tree.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/edit.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/bug/field.html.tmpl
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
Merging differences between and into knob.html.tmpl
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
cvs update: conflicts found in template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl
C template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/navigate.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/show-multiple.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/show.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/show.xml.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/summarize-time.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/bug/activity
P template/en/default/bug/activity/show.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/activity/table.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/bug/create
P template/en/default/bug/create/comment-guided.txt.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/create/comment.txt.tmpl
U template/en/default/bug/create/confirm-create-dupe.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/create/create-guided.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/create/create.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/create/make-template.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/bug/process
P template/en/default/bug/process/bugmail.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/process/confirm-duplicate.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/process/header.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/process/midair.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/process/results.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/process/verify-new-product.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/bug/votes
P template/en/default/bug/votes/delete-all.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/votes/list-for-bug.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/bug/votes/list-for-user.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/email
U template/en/default/email/newchangedmail.txt.tmpl
P template/en/default/email/sudo.txt.tmpl
U template/en/default/email/votes-removed.txt.tmpl
U template/en/default/email/whine.txt.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/flag
P template/en/default/flag/list.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/global
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/global/banner.html.tmpl,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.10
Merging differences between 1.8 and 1.10 into banner.html.tmpl
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
cvs update: conflicts found in template/en/default/global/banner.html.tmpl
C template/en/default/global/banner.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/choose-classification.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/choose-product.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/code-error.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/global/common-links.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/global/docslinks.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/field-descs.none.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/footer.html.tmpl
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/global/header.html.tmpl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.49
Merging differences between and 1.49 into header.html.tmpl
M template/en/default/global/header.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/hidden-fields.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/global/js-products.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/message.txt.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/messages.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/per-bug-queries.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/select-menu.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/setting-descs.none.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/site-navigation.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/tabs.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/global/textarea.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/useful-links.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/user-error.html.tmpl
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/global/variables.none.tmpl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
Merging differences between 1.3 and 1.4 into variables.none.tmpl
M template/en/default/global/variables.none.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/list
P template/en/default/list/change-columns.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/list/edit-multiple.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/list/list-simple.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/list/list.atom.tmpl
P template/en/default/list/list.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/list/list.ics.tmpl
P template/en/default/list/quips.html.tmpl
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/list/table.html.tmpl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.32
Merging differences between and 1.32 into table.html.tmpl
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
cvs update: conflicts found in template/en/default/list/table.html.tmpl
C template/en/default/list/table.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/pages
P template/en/default/pages/bug-writing.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/pages/fields.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/pages/linkify.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/pages/quicksearch.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/pages/quicksearchhack.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/pages/release-notes.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/pages/voting.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/reports
P template/en/default/reports/chart.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/components.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/create-chart.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/duplicates-table.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/duplicates.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/edit-series.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/keywords.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/menu.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/reports/old-charts.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/report-bar.png.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/report-line.png.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/report-pie.png.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/report-table.csv.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/report-table.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/report.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/series-common.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/reports/series.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/request
P template/en/default/request/email.txt.tmpl
P template/en/default/request/queue.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/search
P template/en/default/search/boolean-charts.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/search/form.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/search/knob.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/search/search-advanced.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/search/search-create-series.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/search/search-help.html.tmpl
U template/en/default/search/search-plugin.xml.tmpl
P template/en/default/search/search-report-graph.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/search/search-report-table.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/search/search-specific.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/search/tabs.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/setup
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/whine
P template/en/default/whine/mail.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/whine/mail.txt.tmpl
P template/en/default/whine/multipart-mime.txt.tmpl
P template/en/default/whine/schedule.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/extension
P template/en/extension/filterexceptions.pl
cvs update: Updating template/en/extension/hook
  • Watch for conflicts during update; in the current case the following conflicts were reported:
cvs update: conflict: globals.pl is modified but no longer in the repository
C globals.pl

RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/index.html.tmpl,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision
Merging differences between 1.24 and into index.html.tmpl
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
cvs update: conflicts found in template/en/default/index.html.tmpl
C template/en/default/index.html.tmpl

RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
Merging differences between and into knob.html.tmpl
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
cvs update: conflicts found in template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl
C template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl

RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/global/banner.html.tmpl,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.10
Merging differences between 1.8 and 1.10 into banner.html.tmpl
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
cvs update: conflicts found in template/en/default/global/banner.html.tmpl
C template/en/default/global/banner.html.tmpl

RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/list/table.html.tmpl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.32
Merging differences between and 1.32 into table.html.tmpl
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
cvs update: conflicts found in template/en/default/list/table.html.tmpl
C template/en/default/list/table.html.tmpl
  • Fix conflicts; in the example case:
cd template/en/default
cvs status index.html.tmpl
# (shows "File had conflicts on merge")
ee index.html.tmpl
cvs status index.html.tmpl
# (shows "Locally modified")
cd ../../..
  • Remove auxiliary files created due to the merge conflict:
find . -name "\.#*" -and -type f
find . -name "\.#*" -and -type f -ok rm "{}" \;
  • Run checksetup.pl from the command line:

Partial output:

WARNING: We are about to convert your table storage format to UTF8. This
         allows Bugzilla to correctly store and sort international characters.
         However, if you have any non-UTF-8 data in your database,
         it ***WILL BE DELETED*** by this process. So, before
         you continue with checksetup.pl, if you have any non-UTF-8
         data (or even if you're not sure) you should press Ctrl-C now
         to interrupt checksetup.pl, and run contrib/recode.pl to make all
         the data in your database into UTF-8. You should also back up your
         database before continuing. This will affect every single table
         in the database, even non-Bugzilla tables.

         If you ever used a version of Bugzilla before 2.22, we STRONGLY
         recommend that you stop checksetup.pl NOW and run contrib/recode.pl.

         Press Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to exit...


contrib/recode.pl --charset=iso-8859-1 --dry-run
contrib/recode.pl --charset=iso-8859-1


Converting attachments.description...
Converting attachments.filename...
Converting attachments.mimetype...
Converting bug_severity.value...
Converting bug_status.value...
Converting bugs.priority...
Converting bugs.keywords...
Converting bugs.bug_file_loc...
Converting bugs.rep_platform...
Converting bugs.short_desc...
Converting bugs.status_whiteboard...
Converting bugs.bug_severity...
Converting bugs.bug_status...
Converting bugs.version...
Converting bugs.resolution...
Converting bugs.target_milestone...
Converting bugs.alias...
Converting bugs.op_sys...
Converting bugs_activity.added...
Converting bugs_activity.removed...
Converting classifications.name...
Converting classifications.description...
Converting components.name...
Converting components.description...
Converting fielddefs.name...
Converting fielddefs.description...
Converting flags.status...
Converting flagtypes.cc_list...
Converting flagtypes.target_type...
Converting flagtypes.name...
Converting flagtypes.description...
Converting groups.userregexp...
Converting groups.name...
Converting groups.description...
Converting keyworddefs.name...
Converting keyworddefs.description...
Converting logincookies.ipaddr...
Converting logincookies.cookie...
Converting longdescs.thetext...
Converting milestones.value...
Converting namedqueries.query...
Converting namedqueries.name...
Converting op_sys.value...
Converting priority.value...
Converting products.defaultmilestone...
Converting products.milestoneurl...
Converting products.name...
Converting products.description...
Converting profile_setting.setting_name...
Converting profile_setting.setting_value...
Converting profiles.cryptpassword...
Converting profiles.realname...
Converting profiles.disabledtext...
Converting profiles.login_name...
Converting profiles.extern_id...
Converting profiles_activity.newvalue...
Converting profiles_activity.oldvalue...
Converting quips.quip...
Converting rep_platform.value...
Converting resolution.value...
Converting series.query...
Converting series.name...
Converting series_categories.name...
Converting setting.name...
Converting setting.default_value...
Converting setting_value.name...
Converting setting_value.value...
Converting tokens.eventdata...
Converting tokens.token...
Converting tokens.tokentype...
Converting versions.value...
Converting whine_events.subject...
Converting whine_events.body...
Converting whine_queries.query_name...
Converting whine_queries.title...
Converting whine_schedules.run_day...
Converting whine_schedules.run_time...

Before running contrib/recode.pl I had to find out the encoding in use by the database (see "Finding out the encoding of a MySQL database"), which turned out to be latin1, the MySQL default. I then used the following command line to get a listing of all encodings and figure out the Perl equivalent, iso-8859-1 (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1):

perl -MEncode -e 'print join("\n", Encode->encodings(":all"))'

I could then run checksetup.pl again:


Partial output:

Converting table storage format to UTF-8. This may take a while.
Converting attachments.description to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting attachments.mimetype to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting attachments.filename to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bug_severity.value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bug_status.value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.bug_file_loc to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.bug_severity to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.bug_status to be stored as UTF-8...
Removing index 'bugs_short_desc_idx' from the bugs table...
Converting bugs.short_desc to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.op_sys to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.priority to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.rep_platform to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.version to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.resolution to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.target_milestone to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.status_whiteboard to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.keywords to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs.alias to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs_activity.added to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting bugs_activity.removed to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting classifications.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting classifications.description to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting components.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting components.description to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting fielddefs.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting fielddefs.description to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting flags.status to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting flagtypes.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting flagtypes.description to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting flagtypes.cc_list to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting flagtypes.target_type to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting groups.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting groups.description to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting groups.userregexp to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting keyworddefs.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting keyworddefs.description to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting logincookies.cookie to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting logincookies.ipaddr to be stored as UTF-8...
Removing index 'longdescs_thetext_idx' from the longdescs table...
Converting longdescs.thetext to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting milestones.value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting namedqueries.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting namedqueries.query to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting op_sys.value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting priority.value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting products.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting products.description to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting products.milestoneurl to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting products.defaultmilestone to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting profile_setting.setting_name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting profile_setting.setting_value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting profiles.login_name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting profiles.cryptpassword to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting profiles.realname to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting profiles.disabledtext to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting profiles.extern_id to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting profiles_activity.oldvalue to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting profiles_activity.newvalue to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting quips.quip to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting rep_platform.value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting resolution.value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting series.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting series.query to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting series_categories.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting setting.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting setting.default_value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting setting_value.name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting setting_value.value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting tokens.token to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting tokens.tokentype to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting tokens.eventdata to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting versions.value to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting whine_events.subject to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting whine_events.body to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting whine_queries.query_name to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting whine_queries.title to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting whine_schedules.run_day to be stored as UTF-8...
Converting whine_schedules.run_time to be stored as UTF-8...
Creating ./extensions directory...
Creating skins/contrib directory...
Creating skins/custom/IE-fixes.css...
Creating skins/custom/create_attachment.css...
Creating skins/custom/dependency-tree.css...
Creating skins/custom/release-notes.css...
New parameter: allow_attachment_deletion
New parameter: docs_urlbase
New parameter: announcehtml
New parameter: proxy_url
New parameter: upgrade_notification
New parameter: querysharegroup
New parameter: LDAPstarttls
New parameter: mailfrom
New parameter: globalwatchers
The following parameters are no longer used in Bugzilla, and so have been
moved from your parameters file into old-params.txt:
voteremovedmail, whinemail, passwordmail, newchangedmail
Removing existing compiled templates ...
Precompiling templates...
Fixing file permissions...
Adding new column 'type' to the 'fielddefs' table...
Adding new column 'custom' to the 'fielddefs' table...
Adding new column 'enter_bug' to the 'fielddefs' table...
Renaming column 'fielddefs.fieldid' to 'fielddefs.id'...
Populating quips table from ./data/comments...

Quips are now stored in the database, rather than in an external file.
The quips previously stored in ./data/comments have been copied into
the database, and that file has been renamed to ./data/comments.bak
You may delete the renamed file once you have confirmed that all your
quips were moved successfully.

Updating column creator in table series ...
Old: mediumint NOT NULL
New: mediumint
Adding new index 'longdescs_thetext_idx' to the longdescs table ...
Adding new column 'comment_id' to the 'longdescs' table...
Updating column id in table flags ...
New: mediumint auto_increment NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
Deleting the 'is_active' column from the 'flags' table...
Updating column short_desc in table bugs ...
Old: mediumtext NOT NULL
New: varchar(255) NOT NULL
Adding new column 'id' to the 'namedqueries' table...
Deleting the 'linkinfooter' column from the 'namedqueries' table...
Adding new column 'sortkey' to the 'classifications' table...
Adding new column 'disable_mail' to the 'profiles' table...
Found a data/nomail file.  Moving nomail entries into DB...
Updating column milestoneurl in table products ...
Old: tinytext NOT NULL
New: tinytext DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
Updating column disallownew in table products ...
Old: tinyint NOT NULL
New: tinyint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
Updating column votesperuser in table products ...
Old: smallint NOT NULL
New: smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
Updating column votestoconfirm in table products ...
Old: smallint NOT NULL
New: smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
Deleting the 'refreshed_when' column from the 'profiles' table...
Deleting the 'last_changed' column from the 'groups' table...
Updating column id in table flagtypes ...
New: smallint auto_increment NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
Updating column id in table keyworddefs ...
New: smallint auto_increment NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
Updating column userid in table tokens ...
Old: mediumint NOT NULL
New: mediumint
Updating column disabledtext in table profiles ...
Old: mediumtext NOT NULL
New: mediumtext DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
Updating column realname in table profiles ...
Old: varchar(255)
New: varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
Removing index 'longdescs_who_idx' from the longdescs table...
Adding new index 'longdescs_who_idx' to the longdescs table ...
Adding new column 'subclass' to the 'setting' table...
Updating column thetext in table longdescs ...
Old: mediumtext
New: mediumtext NOT NULL
Adding new column 'editcomponents' to the 'group_control_map' table...
Adding new column 'editbugs' to the 'group_control_map' table...
Adding new column 'canconfirm' to the 'group_control_map' table...
Adding new column 'type' to the 'longdescs' table...
Adding new column 'extra_data' to the 'longdescs' table...
Adding new column 'id' to the 'versions' table...
Adding new column 'id' to the 'milestones' table...
Adding a new user setting called 'skin'
Adding a new user setting called 'lang'
Adding a new user setting called 'zoom_textareas'
Adding a new user setting called 'state_addselfcc'

Finally I ran checksetup.pl one more time so as to recompile the templates:


Partial output:

Removing existing compiled templates ...
Precompiling templates...
Fixing file permissions...
  • Use my custom repair-bugzilla.sh to repair the ownership and permissions on the installed files.
  • In the "Parameters" section empty the shutdownhtml field; in order to get there you need explicitly navigate to editparams.cgi and log in.

My first attempt to do this failed yielding messages like this in the Apache error log:

[Fri May 11 12:29:00 2007] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /path/to/a/support/bugs/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

The .htaccess file, however, is world-readable. It turns out that the error message is slightly misleading (see this bug report) and that the real problem is the permissions of the parent directory:

chmod 755 .
  • Run sanitycheck.cgi from within the browser.
  • Update parameters.
  • Test the installation.

Future improvements

This process could be largely automated via a shell script.